Our group is involved in several teaching activities at Politecnico di Torino, for both B.S. and M.S.
Corso di laurea triennale: Impianti di produzione di potenza e
Il corso di "Impianti di produzione di potenza e sostenibilità" costituisce la materia fondante, per un
ingegnere energetico, per l'approfondimento delle conoscenze relative alle caratteristiche costruttive e
funzionali delle centrali di potenza elettrica, siano esse termiche o nucleari, nelle quali è utilizzato un
ciclo termodinamico. L'approccio tende a valutare insieme diversi aspetti multidisciplinari, connessi ad
alla combustione, al trasporto dell'energia termica, all'abbattimento degli inquinanti, allo studio dei
ausiliari e di sicurezza, ed infine alla regolazione e controllo dell'intero processo. Gli impianti vengono
esaminati nell'ottica non tanto della esclusiva produzione ed ottimizzazione, ma anche della loro
ambientale ed energetica.
I principi di funzionamento dei componenti e sistemi sono affrontati ai fini della progettazione degli
in termini di massimo rendimento, minimo costo di esercizio, massima sicurezza ed affidabilità e
tra le diverse soluzioni progettuali, sostenibilità ambientale.
M.Sc. Course: Fuel cycle, waste and decommissioning
A European nuclear and energy engineer looking for a job in his/her actual field of specialization will
probably find it in the area of nuclear fuel cycle, waste and decommissioning. In the EU, these topics
gather most of the nuclear-related planned activities in the short and medium term. The process of
fabricating fuel (front end of the fuel cycle) includes different steps from uranium ore exploration and
mining to fabrication of fuel assemblies. While uranium mining activities are limited in the EU, abundant
uranium resources are available worldwide. European companies rank among the world's major producers of
nuclear fuel. Major investments have been made in the past in conversion and enrichment capabilities and
fuel fabrication, and the focus in the coming years will be on modernising them in order to maintain EU
technological leadership. The back-end of the fuel cycle will need increasing levels of attention: it is
estimated that more than 50 of the 129 reactors currently in operation in the EU are to be shut down by
2025/2030. Based on the latest information provided by Member States, the largest 20 European nuclear
operators estimated that nuclear decommissioning, radioactive waste management and disposal will be “the
main question” until 2050 in the EU.
This course is tailored to enable the student to get knowledge and skills in all the above topics. Aspects
dealing with peculiar Italian nuclear legislation and situation will be dealt with. Aspects dealing with
nuclear non-proliferation and safeguards – essential activity of the IAEA – will be examined too
M.Sc. Course: Radiation protection
Radiation protection and radiation safety is a fundamental skill for a nuclear engineer. For instance: basic
concepts of radioactivity, natural and artificial sources of radiation, interaction of radiation with matter
biological effects of the radiation, radiation sources in a nuclear reactor, nuclear safety, shielding
techniques, detection and measurement of radiation, environmental impact assessment of radioactivity,
aquatic and atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides and contamination of the food chain, nuclear accidents
case studies, radioactive waste, protection from non-ionizing radiation.